Thursday, December 11, 2008

The fall

It was the fifth day of skiing, we were just getting into it and excited about improving.  We only had a short day of skiing as Kristina and Vicky needed to get into town in time to buy their greyhound tickets to Lake Louise.  There was a jump just to the right of one of the easiest runs that we'd seen both skiers and boarders getting some nice air.  We'd already attempted this jump a few times, but approaching from the green run and thinking about it too late so not so much as 1cm of air had been achieved.  We had time for one more run and decided to give this jump a proper go... so we prepared ourselves at the top of the blue run that approaches the jump.  Jason went first and appeared to have a fair bit of speed so I was really surprised when his skis still didn't leave the ground.  I was determined to get at least 10cm of air so I went from a little higher and a little faster than Jason had gone... over the jump and what the hell!!  I had 2 meters of air!!!!  (I later found out Jason had chickened and slowed down at the last moment)  I nearly landed the jump getting both skis under me, but was leaning too far forward and did a spectacular roll.  In the middle I felt my ski dig into the snow and my knee twist and force it out, the bindings didn't give.  OW!  A visit to the doctor later revealed torn ligaments (to both the MCL and ACL)... so no skiing for awhile, or walking, or twisting, or sleeping.   All I'm really hoping is that this is not going to be a lifetime injury.... only time will tell.